In Seth Rogen's newest film Neighbors he stars as a new dad who's life is turned upside down when a college fraternity moves in next door. He and his wife played by Rose Byrne have to deal with the frat's antics as well as the their newly-found responsibilities both as parents and a married couple. Zac Efron plays the frat leader who initially appears mild-mannered and friendly but eventually devolves into a hard partying frat boy. Efron makes and agreement with Rogen to keep the noise down and partying to a minimum In exchange for Rogen not calling the cops when they have a'few' friends over. When that inevitably fails Rogen calls the cops on their parties setting up a series of increasingly disastrous pranks. When I think of funny movies, I usually don't think of Seth Rogen. While I liked last year's doomsday comedy This is the End, I believe that James Franco provided most of the humor and that Rogen was merely there. Fortunately you can tell that th...
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