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Matt Vs. Batman and Superman

2013's Man of Steel  was a success for Warner Brothers but it didn't bring in the billion dollar box office of Iron Man 3 or the Avengers. In order to get higher box office take for the next Superman film, DC announced Man of Steel's sequel Batman Vs. Superman at Comicon.  Subsequently they announced the casting casting of Ben Affleck and Jessie Eisenberg as Batman and Lex Luthor respectively. Additionally Gal Gadot has been cast as Wonder Woman for the film. Everyday there are new rumors as to who will appear such as Green Lantern or Nightwing. As much as I would love to see Superman and Batman one the same screen, I feel that it is too early for this. Marvel started building towards the Avengers using Two Iron Man films, and Capt. America, Hulk, and Thor films. The Avengers would have  not been a s nearly as successful without this build up. Man of Steel 2 would be building its world using just some Easter eggs  hidden with in the original and the public's memory of Christian Bale in the Dark Knight trilogy. Man of Steel wasn't perfect by any mean but  I think by taking the focus off of the world it created so quickly, Batman Vs. Superman could suffer as a result.

I feel like Ben Affleck could be a decent Batman and could be no worse than George Clooney in Batman and Robin. However many remember his weak portrayal of Daredevil a decade ago. The uproar from that casting nearly brought down the internet. As for the story, the writes stated that they were taking cues from parts of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. This portrayed Batman as a old bitter vigilante and revolution while showing Superman as a loyal lapdog to the US government. I feel that this is flawed for several reason. Comics Batman and Superman had the entire DKR comic in addition to forty years of comic book history to draw from yo build up their relationships. In comparison this movie would have just a few minutes to define their character relationships. Also given the amount of power that Superman used in Man of Steel, it is hard to believe that a regular human no matter how well trained could stand up to him. The US Army in Man of Steel arguably has better weapons and deeper pockets than Batman but largely failed to keep the invading  Kryptonians at bay. Add Wonder Woman to the mix, and this movie is clearly no longer  just a sequel to Man of Steel. It is practically the majority of the Justice League Alan Moore's For the Man Who has Everything would be a great story to work from. In this story Batman and Wonder Woman visit Superman for his birthday, however they find that he is under the control of an alien plant which allows the person to live out their heart's desire. For example, Superman was dreaming about having a normal life on Krypton. While this is an excellent story  but I feel that Man of Steel's world is even too new for this. I was excited by the announcement of Batman Vs. Superman but ultimately I am doubting it will live up to its hype. Man of Steel Vs. The Dark Knight sounds more life a 5 second video clip than an 2 hour movie.

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